Sunday, June 3

Never post when drunk! (Read post before thsi one... 2:35am)

But you all still love me, right.........


Oh boy. The pastor is just gonna LOVE this one (+ the one before)

But yes, kidnapping a baby is still a viable option for motherhood should marry after i've expired (which i will).

Vote Tiger Army in
Bulletin this sticker on MySpace!
for every one of the listed cities, that's only if you like them though (duh). If you like AFI you'll either know of Tiger Army (them and AFI been best mates for years) or you'd probably like them.

... ....
i feel an emo-cide coming on...
1 I wish my grass were emo, then it would cut itself
2 Emo is good for the environment, after all, there's been low rainful lately, all those tears are sure to make a difference
3 Emo has invaded Australia... time's run out to buy a waterproof/stainproof wardrobe, they're ALREADY crying all over innocent people Australia-wide
4 My cat's reverse-Emo, he wants to cut ME, and then he cries at the door to be let out, or at the cat bowl to be fed, but it's all attention seeking because when i give him what he wants he runs off and carries on with normal cat habits before the next episode hits, and then... it happens all over again
5 Thank god kitchen appliances haven't caught on to the wave of Emo culture sweeping the world, can you imagine one evening the Oven commits suicide 10 minutes short of dinner? Or the microwave? The SINK? I think the news should focus more on that than a bunch of hopeless Emo kids crying/cutting/smoking/drinking themselves to death
6 Emo-mammogram = cut 'em off, scan 'em, stitch 'em back on using those Gothic-stitches you used to sew your Emo-mouth shut in a public statement about your joyless life. Just be careful with that needle, that's belong to the nurse, it's not yours.
7 Emo-boogie = sob so hard you shake it like the dancing-queen you know ruined your life by stealing the boyfriend you would've had if she hadn't seduced him with her "girly"-"charms" (you even gave him the EYES, you LOOKED at him, EYE CONTACT)
8 Emo-cide = Kurt Cobain (get everybody's attention and then... and then... DIE!)
9 Don't cry, you haven't even told everybody about you're joyless life or done the Emo/pixie ritual dance or blogged about your life and it's likely sad end, don't cry little Emo, not yet anyway
10 So does Emo make violence an acceptable social medium then? Do i sound like a middle-aged crappy social commentator yet? Do any Emo's out there want my address to send me your tears, blood, knife's and most horrid, anthrax (or other disease's you might carry)?

some days i doubt my sanity other days i'm sure of it - i've really lost it.

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