Tuesday, March 20

Good news:
Part of the course is saveable.
If the hours are killing me and i'm loosing interest, at least my two favourite subjects in the course can be done on their own from now on, i won't get a pass on Cert3 Multimedia, but i will pass on the Animation section, which i THINK can lead onto cert4 Animation... or not.

Either way, i won't be wasting parents money that they spent on the course and that means a lot, a WHOLE lot. Wealth is so taken for granted these days in such a rich western world, fussing is half seen as materialistic. Seen it in selfish disrespectful teenagers, not all teens, for sure in my teens for while. It's their wealth and prosperity, they share it and depart with it, for me. They work hard for that, not as a means to an end, work is a mean's to an end, money, it's that end they're giving up for me. Why? So i've a means to whatever end i choose, so long as it leads ME to prosperity. See what i'm saying about the course and good news? I am relieved, that works out well enough for me and them, plus no killer hours so i've plenty room for working once i get a job at Carousel, i repeat, plus no killer hours so i've plenty room for working once i get a job at Carousel. So there's no telling Centrelink anything! What an escape...
Trust me that i'm telling (a sarcastic & figurative half-) truth, i could almost feel wet beads of blood sweating down my face.

Blogging never got so tiring. That and i just started which as as curious as it is annoying.

Sick of issues! Sick of stickiness! Stop stickin' to me! ... .... .......... I just thoughta sumthin, Michael Jackson and Janet jackson duet - Scream, was at Lily's place yesterday and she got that song on, it's totally my song now.
Found an interesting way to explore the meaning of bible passages, by rewriting them replacing words with things that better help me understand it, so i can read it with my definitions slotted in. Is also an interesting way to see if i'm catching on to what's really written there, if it sounds totally different i might be a bit off, or i might be further onto it.

http://www.biblegateway.com/ <-- Is so handy going there.

Love The Message version of the bible. I'd prefer one looks at Jewish culture back then and the context the writers put it in and the Aramaic Greek & Hebrew language from the original bible scrolls, online MSG bible will have to do for now.

Side note: Is the weather overcoming anybody else? It's so bad that energy is drained and the air con's on but i'm sluggish from a whole day of heat.

Body's probably lazy

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